Sunday, August 17, 2008
Weight Gain As You Get Older
Weight gain from child birth is another reason for increased weight and there have been many reports about this. Among the key findings there is a strong association between high maternal weight gain and increased fetal growth and infant birth weight, which can contribute to complications during labor if a baby is too big, and can lead to long term health effects for the child. High maternal weight gain also is associated with cesarean delivery and weight retention by mothers after childbirth.
Weight gain following smoking cessation can be due to several factors. Smoking can have an effect on a persons metabolism and thus quitting can account for a small weight gain in some individuals. Gains of 5 to 10 pounds over a number of months can be attributed to metabolic alterations in some individuals. But once weight gain exceeds 10 pounds, other factors are more probably responsible.
The reason for the new sense of hunger is due to the fact that nicotine is an appetite suppressant. Smoking between meals seems to eradicate the need for the snacking behaviors experienced by many ex-smokers. Nicotine does this by elevating the blood sugar and blood fat levels, basically tricking the body into thinking that it has eaten more than it actually has. While that may help to control weight, it does so at a risk. Cigarettes used as an appetite suppressant can cause cancer, heart disease, strokes and a host of other illnesses.
Many women are quite shocked and frustrated when they begin to notice those extra pounds graciously provided by menopause. You may be eating and exercising exactly the same as you always were but still can't seem to maintain your weight. As you enter the early stages of menopause, maintaining weight becomes more and more difficult, and losing weight becomes almost impossible. This is because of the fluctuation in your hormones.
A more insidious mechanism of increased caloric intake can be experienced by unwittingly eating more at the end of meals. The smoking of a cigarette used to signify the end of a meal. With no cigarette to serve as a cue, the ex-smoker may continue to consume extra food after every meal whether or not he or she is hungry. The ex-smoker may not even know that he has eaten more in the process.
Women’s Strength Training Workout
One solution to this behavior can be planning the meal out in advance. Calculate and prepare the amount of food you used to consume while smoking and acknowledge to yourself that you have finished. Another way is leave the table immediately upon completion of the meal. If you must stay at the table have a glass of cold water or a non-caloric beverage present. Don't leave a plate with scraps or desserts in easy reach.
Insulin resistance can occur during your menopausal years. This is when your body mistakenly turns every calorie you take in into fat. Most women follow a low-fat, high carbohydrate diet. After time, processed and refined foods may make your body resistant to insulin produced in the blood stream. This is often a cause of weight gain after the age of 40
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Acne free skin through Ayurveda
What causes acne?
A great number of producing glands of oil called the glands sebaceous is present under the skin - peel the cross section) on the face, the back, the trunk and the shoulders. During puberty or the menopause due to the influence of the sex hormones, which are produced in the male and the female, these glands become more active and produce an oily secretion called the sebum. The sebum makes the skin more oily. The excessive sebum blocks the pore of skin or the well of the follicule of hair forming the acne.
The pore or the acne blocked acts as an excellent habitat for bacteria. The bacterial infection causes the swelling of ignition (red, painful of the infected sector) of the follicule blocked by pore or hair leading to the eruption of the buttons. Vata and Kapha are two doshas principal, which is implied in the eruption of the acne and the buttons. The dhatu or the blood of Rakta also plays a big role in the formation of the acne.
Vata when obtains because vitiated unhealthy mode and lifestyles affects two others doshas (kapha and pitta) to worsen them. The worsened pitta affects the dhatu or the blood of rakta. Vitiated blood affects the skin and causes oil the excessive secretion of the glands sebaceous. Kapha with the sticking property. The worsened kapha gives viscosity to the oil produced by the glands sebaceous of the skin. Thus the thick catches sebaceous are formed in pores of skin and follicules of hair leading to the eruption of the acne.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Building Muscle - Look Your Best
There are many reasons so that the people begin a certain kind of plan of exercise. It could be for reasons of health or professional reasons. You can even want to incorporate a training session of building muscle to look at your the best. For some reason you sought the training session of building of muscle, you can host of advantages for your health and wellbeing. It is not easy when you decide to incorporate the training session of building of muscle in your routine of exercise. The most important stage with a training session of muscle building is weightlifting. This must be done correctly, to establish not only the mass of muscle in the sectors which you want, but to ensure you don’ injure yourself as well.
You need let your body obtain the most effective training session which it can be held without overtraining or to be hurting. There is a vast choice of exercises which you can make for a training session of building of muscle, and you can find the exercises correct to work each group of muscle with health offers. To obtain the majority out of your training session of muscle building, you must obtain enough sleep. The sleep is not often regarded as factor for a training session of building of muscle but it is a critical aspect which many which tries to establish the mass of muscle gives on. For the best results when you engage in a training session of building of muscle, the test and obtain eight hours of sleep so either of each night.
This will make it possible your body to treat the protein synthesis and to help with the release of the growth hormones to give your body sculpted the glance which you look at to carry out. It also assistances you prepare with your next training session of building of muscle the next day. You can as well supplement you’re programmed of sleep by taking a fast light sleep during the day if you have time for good health. The incorporation of a routine of training session of muscle building in your program of exercise will help your body to burn larger more effectively. You will be astounded with the manner that your body will look at when you practice a training session of building of muscle at least three times per week. Make your research and obtain started to establish a thinner body, meaner body today.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Know about Alternative Medicine
It is important to pay attention by seeking the alternative medicine which it negatively does not act one on the other with your current Osteoporosis Treatment of health or your body. The alternative medicine is available for just approximately each problem or problem and sometimes can be considered experimental.
Independently of what is the ailment that which is sure is that research should be made before beginning the treatment. In this way, all the risks which are implied can carefully be observed outside for, or if it seems too risky, then can decide to you not to follow through with it. The other thing which is necessary by using alternative treatments, is that if it is a therapy which is managed by somebody of other, make sure that they have the necessary qualifications and practice the sure treatment. You want to keep your body safe of like first priority.
The alternative medicine can imply the supplements, diet, products, and the treatments. One of the alternative treatments most popular is the natural herbs. Normal herbs can be taken for many various things. Some of the latter include the depression, exhaustion, arthritis, cancer, and much of others prostate scan. There is abundance of research available on the normal herbs that people take.
Another common alternative medicine employed by many people is exercise. The exercise can help with many various preoccupations with a health. This implies arthritis, the rehabilitation, the depression, obesity, and much of others. The exercise can be sure as a long time as it is supervised by a trainer or any other professional. The exercise can be dangerous for the people who have states of heart and other problems of health and should be supervised to ensure the surest possible treatment.
Another popular alternative treatment is acupuncture. Acupuncturists have certification and can thus as sure be measured as a long time like the person is certified. It is said that the acupuncture helps with the pain of muscle, back problems, the loss of weight, and much of other various preoccupations with a health. The acupuncture is an ancient tradition and is considered a normal treatment. It implies the tiny needles being placed in very specific places.
One of the alternative treatments most common is hot and cold therapy - Cardiology Center. This is employed for many various ailments implying the pain and the spasms of muscle, the common pain, and several other diseases. By seeking the therapy the key must be also sure like possible and trust your intestine and not implied something which returns to you uncomfortable.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Evaluate State Of Wellness?
Our bodies obtain a health when all its processes, such as physics and mental, carry out at the maximum levels. Do many people require what it takes to realize? Complete of health of body wellness, the fact of the matter is that it requires more than just a trip in the room of gymnastics, or a walk in park.
So that we can to establish our health, must determine the goals to us which we wish to achieve by the wellbeing. Our lives are made enriched and simpler more to live. We can derive the advantages of the good thought out of the plans of mode and exercise during much of years during our lives, simply because we took time to maintain our bodies in an adjustment and good state Energized Water.
One of the first indicates to signs of tale to know if you have a health is your immune system. By having a healthy immune system you can help to delay the beginning of much the diseases connected by age. Certain health conditions to include Alzheimer's, heart attacks, degeneration macular, and the total feelings of the good Men's health magazine, depend entirely on a healthy immune system.
When we reach the admitted retirement age, we have the capacity to continue in a normal routine when our health was maintained. Work becomes a true source of pleasure for much of older people. Their work does not seem any more to be one manner of stealing their spare time. Instead of that, this is well to a friend whom they are accustomed to visit. This only, can be a reason to continue to leave the bed the morning and to put themselves at the day. This becomes an exceptional advantage in our continuous health and health good Jacob Bogatin.
The advantages of adding simple 20 minute routine exercise to your daily activities are incredible. It is of most certainly a responsibility for life continuously our health and evaluating our levels of health. It is not a thing difficult to carry out if we employ our resources wisely as well as we inform as for the things of which our bodies require in order to maintain health. The benefits from continued wellness are reaped well into our later years.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Multi use of the Vitamins to facilitate Good Health
With the increase in pollution, levels of effort and technology, we tend to try more each day. In spite of the fact that there is a technology which made things faster, always note us which there are fewer hours for all the things than we want to make. Yes, we all know that a good healthy diet and the heads of water and exercise will do to us much good. To drinkable proportioned quantities of water can hydrate the body, flush out toxins, prevent the onset of Alzheimers and can also make sure that our glance of skin well better. The exercise can help to keep us to fit so that we can carry out all the daily tasks easily.
But there are also methods which you can employ to increase these efforts. Multivitamin pills are one such option. . Taking a small tiny pill takes less than a few seconds and the benefits far outweigh the cost. There are many supplements (Life Extension Mix) which you will find on the Internet and to maintain the last developments it can take much time. But to keep with what is occurring and the choice up to date with the good kind with supplement does not need to be a recurring activity.
Another reason for which to make this comparison between all the supplements (EPA/DHA) of vitamin advisor which are available is that there are many companies which benefit owing to the fact that not many people seek these products before closing the brand. Many people just chose the option better quality supposing than the more expensive will have the best combination of the required ingredients. This, however, is not the case. Many times brands are pieced higher due to the fact that the companies that market them are greedy and want more profits for themselves. Some of them truly the need this margin to be able to control the enormous fixed costs which they accumulate.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
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Friday, May 9, 2008
How is Blood Pressure Measured?
Manual Technique - Auscultation
The manual technique employs a sphygmometer (if it held in the hand, then it called a sphygmomanometer) measured the quantity of pressure required to occlude blood cross an artery - usually the artery brachial. The pressure is applied with a band or a cuff around the arm (or of leg).
Because the supplier of care of health reduces the pressure in the cuff, he or she listens to the artery. While blood starts to cross the artery, it creates the turbulence which can be heard by the stethoscope. When the pressure is rather low, turbulence stops and the noises leave. The noises are called the noises of Karotkoff's.
Automated Technique - Oscillation
Automated blood pressure monitors devices use oscillation in much the same way a healthcare provider uses a stethoscope.
The machine detects vibrations (oscillations) nebulisers as pressure is released and blood flow returns. These are the machines you see in pharmacies and in private homes. If you have a digital blood pressure machine of your own, this is the type of machine you have.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Are you worried?
World Hepatitis Day is drawing closer and the question this year is "Am I Number 12?" This question is posed because one in twelve people are infected with Hepatitis B or C. It is a worrying fact that one in twelve people have the disease and it can be more worrying when you read about how you can become infected.
Worrying has never solved anything though, so do the right thing and if you think you are at risk then get tested. World Hepatitis Day is entirely patient run and is in aid of creating a heightened awareness of the disease.
For more information about the disease and to help support the campaigns sign up at:
Monday, April 21, 2008
Scissors-Over-Comb Technique

The scissors-over-comb technique, often used by barbers, is essential for many different cuts for men and women. This particular technique allows you to cut close to the head and follow the hairline. If you do it right, you end up with a softer look, but not a freshly shaved look like you get with clippers.
You will need to start with a head of freshly washed, damp hair. Cut the top ½ of the haircut, removing the bulk. Instructions for this can be found in The Beginner's Guide to Cutting Hair in chapter 11. After that is completed, you can move onto the lower ½ of the haircut. Here are some guidelines to help you:
- Starting at the hairline, lift a section of hair with your comb in your holding hand (left hand).
- Keep the blade of your scissors moving as you cut a section (one comb's worth) of hair. If you stop "mid cut", you can get little nick marks.
- Cut off the hair that sticks past the comb with your scissors (in your cutting hand). The lower blade (the stationary blade) must be parallel to your comb.
- Cut the hair close to your comb but don't actually touch it (unless the style is very short). You could end up cutting into your comb and damaging your scissors.
- After you've cut the first section, lift some of the cut hair along with the next section you want to cut to act as your guide. Don't cut any of the hairs from your previous cut - they are just there to guide you.
- You must keep your comb at a consistent distance and angle from the scalp to get a smooth cut. This is especially difficult in curved or rounded areas such as the nape of the neck.
- Work your way around the bottom ½ of the haircut, lifting either vertical or diagonal sections. Avoid horizontal.
- Open and close the blades all the way so that most of the cutting is done with the center part of the blades rather than the tips. Cutting with the tips can result in choppy, uneven cuts.
- It helps to have long scissor blades for this technique. Shorter scissors can result in more unevenness as well as horizontal "steps" because your hand will be in the way.
- Stand to one side as you do this technique, not directly in front of what you are cutting. This allows you to more easily see the angle of the comb and the amount of hair you are cutting.
- Try to do all the cutting work with your thumb(upper) blade rather than your lower (finger) blade. Your lower blade should stay as still as possible - that's why it's called the stationary blade.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
About Ayurveda

Ayurveda is believed like the oldest method of treatment in the world (more than 3500 years old). It is the art of the healthy life that had helped the human beings to create the harmony in the everyday life by employing the techniques of art of the car-portrait-knowledge and care of art of the self-portrait. To be ancient the word Ayurveda is derived from the Indian language ancient Sanskrit where ‘the ayus’ means the life and ‘ved’ means knowledge or science. Thus, the literal significance of the word Ayurveda is the life science. In short we let us can also say that to know more about the life is “Ayurveda”. Nowadays Ayurveda became very popular among the Foreigners of tourist particularly. Patients are everywhere in the world next India for the treatment.
The literal significance of Ayurveda is 'Life science'. The system passed through traditionally from the Master to the disciples orally. the 'thaliyola ', sheet of palm tree, was employed for the medical details of writing. the 'Narayam ', a pin of iron, was employed like pen. The disciples were accustomed to remaining in the house of the master , which is known a 'Gurukula '.
According to Ayurveda, the life is a combination of four essential parts are mind, body, senses and the soul. It not limits just knowledge to the body or the physical symptoms but also provides a knowledge supplements concerning spiritual, mental and emotive aspects. This traditional system of curative is based on the theory to balance the body, the heart and the spirit. This which balance includes to eat the good thing at the good time, adapting to the daily practices of life style, with the daily purity of mediation and maintenance of the spirit and the heart. There is a strong connection between the spirit and the body.
It orders not only the process of the thoughts but assistance also the body in activities of day in day such as breathing, the circulation of blood, digestion and elimination. Our physiology is regulated by the combined work of the spirit and the body. The directions are employed as pick-ups of information so that the spirit can act as consequence with the body. The clearity of the directions helps the spirit and the body to integrate their functions so that the human beings can live a healthy and happier life. Before existing in the physical body we exist in a finer and more significant form known under the name of heart. We can take the form and to form of many physical bodies in all the cycle life and dead but our heart remains without change.
Ayurveda is the perfect solution for all the human needs, wants and wishes.
There are two principal goals of Ayurveda:
- To maintain the health of the healthy one
- To cure the patient
The origin of Ayurveda turn over almost during more than 5000 years. It is thought that that would be the result of a long period of test and error. Before one recorded it towards bottom in the texts, it was communicated orally of the professor to students above the thousands of centuries. The traditional text of Ayurveda is supposed being written between 4000 and 6000
B.C. The roots of Ayurveda developed in India but it always does not belong to any country, religion or specific civilization.
The principal handbooks of Ayurveda, Charaka Samhita, described how during ancient Vedic Rishis or wise time became interested that humanity suffered from many diseases. The Rishis technique employed to discover Ayurveda does not have any bond with the modern scientific age.
The whole science of Ayurveda is based on the five large elements that ayurveda named like theory of panchmahabhuta. These five elements are the ground, water, fire, air and space. These elements constitute our universe. These elements constantly change and act one on the other with one the other and create a situation of the dynamic flow which keeps outward journey of
the world.
Ayurveda identifies three principal energies which combine to form all the five elements in the universe. These basic energies are vitta, pitta and kapha. These energies are seen in the processes of the growth, maintenance and weakening. Their actions are called anabolism, metabolism and catabolism.
Pitta is composed of fire and water. Kapha comprises water and the earth. Vatta is composed of air and space.
There are four other elements that ayurveda considers
- Agni – responsible for various metabolic activities
- Mala – waste products due to the metabolic process of the body
- Srota – transports the food
- Dhatus - maintains and nourishes the body
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Day Care Health Risks
Children in day care centers are often around other children who may be sick and are more likely to catch an infection that kids who do not attend day care. Respiratory infections, ear infections, and diarrhea are common at day care centers. Some research has linked asthma to day care.

However, keep in mind that being around the large number of germs in day care may actually IMPROVE your child's immune system in the long run.
Teach your child to wash his or her hands before eating and after using the toilet. Infection is spread most often by children putting dirty toys in their mouths, so check your day care's cleaning practices. Keep your own children home if they are sick.
The risk of infection in a day care center may also be reduced by:
- Breastfeeding infants
- Policies and training programs that help reduce the spread of bacteria and viruses at the day care center
- Preparing food and changing diapers in different areas
- Making sure day care staff and children have up-to-date immunizations
Monday, March 31, 2008
Molecular basis for learning, memory found in mice

A cellular molecule in the brain's hippocampus is responsible, according to a group led by Liliana Minichiello at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Monterotondo, Italy, together with Agnès Gruart from the Universidad Pablo de Olavide in Spain.
"Obviously, mental illnesses can better be cured when you know what molecules are involved. Right now, these drugs in existence, they do something, but very little. And I think that is because of a lack of knowledge about the molecular mechanism. It is not the first target to make a drug, but (our discovery) definitely will aid the people that do that work," said Minichiello.
Scientists have long known that neurons in the brain communicate via electrical signals. A particularly strong and long-lasting signal to a brain cell is believed to be an indication of new information. Long-term protentation (LTP), the term for this phenomenon, is believed by scientists to be the origination of learning and recall at the molecular level.
In order to study this process as it is happening, scientists must be able to monitor the brain while it is learning. Minichiello and her group were able to monitor mice while they learned and recalled that new knowledge. Through this, the group tested whether a receptor molecule called TrkB, which is found in some hippocampus cells, may be central for the LTP process to take place.
"Other studies in our lab said that this molecule was significant. This went deeper and produced more evidence. We measured the LTP while the mouse was conscious and learning. The mouse was alive," Minichiello said.
Minichiello's group determined that mice with defective TrkB molecules were unable to activate an important signaling pathway, and were also unable to learn. In addition, they found that the cells with defective TrkB molecules were unable to generate a normal LTP recall response (remembering) when presented with a familiar situation.
In other words, the ability to learn, and the ability to recall something that had been learned, was impaired in mice without healthy TrkB molecules.
"We established that while the mouse is learning, there are changes in the hippocampus that do not happen if you mutate the receptor. It helps us to understand the molecular pathway for learning, but also for generating LTP," Minichiello said.
The discovery is significant in that it is the first time scientists have been able to prove that TrkB and the signaling pathway it activates are essential to learning and memory, according to Minichiello.
Full results of the group's finding will be published Friday in the journal Learning and Memory.
Monday, January 7, 2008
A Guide for a Successful Spring Diet
This isn’t another bleak weight loss article, though. As a matter of fact, this is actually a pretty positive one. About a month ago, as my girlfriend was skimming through the pages of some fitness magazines such as Natural Health Magazine and Shape Magazine, we came across a lot of different opinions and tips on weight loss. We decided to take an idea or two of each diet program and try it out. Here are some examples:
1. Set Realistic Goals – The first step should take place before you cut a single calorie. In fact, one of the strongest predictors of long-term success rests in setting the right goals in the beginning. If you set an unattainable goal of losing 10 pounds in just one week, you’re setting yourself up to fail cause it isn’t going to happen. Instead, try setting smaller, realistic benchmarks, like losing 5 pounds or a single clothing size. This will give you the confidence to continue.
2. Go Slow – Diet success entails making real lifestyle changes and that doesn’t happen overnight. You have a better chance at keeping the weight off if you lose it slowly. People who are starving get irritable and have a higher failure rate. Optimal weight loss is 1 to 2 pounds a week.
3. Expect Setbacks – Everyone is bound to give in to temptation from time to time. There is nothing wrong with going for an ice cream once and awhile. The danger is making excuses to visit the ice cream stand everyday.
4. Don’t Be a Perfectionist – So what do you do if you’ve slipped up and ate a big chocolate brownie? There is nothing wrong with a little indulgence here and there. However, if it’s perceived as a failure and a reason to give up, it can turn into an even bigger calorie indulgence. The bottom line is when you slip up, forget about it. Tomorrow is a new day.
5. Use the Buddy System – It’s hard to make major lifestyle changes alone. Finding other people with similar goals can greatly improve yours odds of diet success. When your willpower starts to wane, have people to call on to provide the support you need to continue. Having that support group, whether it’s your family or people in a weight loss chat room, can be a big positive influence.
6. Be Patient – One of the biggest diet motivation killers is the weight loss plateau. You’ve done everything right. You’ve exercised and ate well, and the numbers on the scale steadily dropped. Then out of nowhere: Nothing. The scale stays stuck for several days in a row. According to experts, this is perfectly normal. It’s a natural part of the weight loss process. You may want to try something slightly different to jump-start your diet. A few minor adjustments and you’ll be back on course.
7. Reward Yourself – Dieting is hard work, and it’s not always fun. Small rewards can provide an incentive to keep going. Be sure your rewards are not food-related. Set mini-goals along the way and reward yourself when you reach them. Your reward could be a massage, a round of golf, a new pair of jeans, or a hot bubble bath.
8. Have a maintenance plan – For a lot of us, losing weight is far easier than keeping it off. It’s important to remember that healthy eating is a lifelong goal, not a one-time project. If this has been a problem for you in the past, devise a maintenance strategy ahead of time.
Guess what. It’s working! She has lost about 5lbs in three weeks while I lost a little over 8lbs. Mind you, I’m not claiming immediate success. Lasting weight loss is a slow process and it’s all too easy to give up before you reach your goal. With the right psychological tools your chances of diet success can be greatly improved.
Health and Vedic Astrology
This science allows a qualified practitioner to analyze weaknesses in the physical body, and to predict possible ailments as a result. We then institute preventive measures, rather than waiting until you require curative measures.
The strength of your horoscope indicates the strength of your body, and its ability to resist illness. There are certain combinations of planets that bestow excellent health. By the same token there are combinations which cause chronic suffering. Planets each hold jurisdiction over different parts of the body and affect specific bodily functions within them.
A Vedic astrologer studies the birth chart, then the daily movements of the planets, to understand and analyze present and future health. The Ayurveda, India’s ancient medical science, is inextricably intertwined with Vedic astrology and in previous times all ayurvedic doctors were also astrologers. In India many are to this day. The combination of these two sciences provide a complete system for diagnosis and treatment of not only diseases of the body, but of the mind. Even the 12 basic salts of homeopathy are associated and related to the 12 houses of the zodiac.
Mental or emotional health can also be understood from a person’s horoscope. There are many factors and planetary conjunctions that indicate a troubled mind, neurosis, or even psychosis. The psychological functioning as a whole can be understood through a careful study of the birth chart. Therefore an astrologer must not only understand which planets cause disease, & the types of diseases that may manifest, but which areas of the body they will affect, and when.
Why is it that a healthy, robust-looking person will be said to be healthy by a doctor, yet come down with a debilitating illness? Why can a frailer, less-healthy appearing person combat and resist certain diseases? The answer is fate… “karma”. Understanding this factor helps us to act in such a way to “shape” the destiny before us, including our most vital possession, our health.