Monday, April 21, 2008

Scissors-Over-Comb Technique

The scissors-over-comb technique, often used by barbers, is essential for many different cuts for men and women. This particular technique allows you to cut close to the head and follow the hairline. If you do it right, you end up with a softer look, but not a freshly shaved look like you get with clippers.

You will need to start with a head of freshly washed, damp hair. Cut the top ½ of the haircut, removing the bulk. Instructions for this can be found in The Beginner's Guide to Cutting Hair in chapter 11. After that is completed, you can move onto the lower ½ of the haircut. Here are some guidelines to help you:

  • Starting at the hairline, lift a section of hair with your comb in your holding hand (left hand).
  • Keep the blade of your scissors moving as you cut a section (one comb's worth) of hair. If you stop "mid cut", you can get little nick marks.
  • Cut off the hair that sticks past the comb with your scissors (in your cutting hand). The lower blade (the stationary blade) must be parallel to your comb.
  • Cut the hair close to your comb but don't actually touch it (unless the style is very short). You could end up cutting into your comb and damaging your scissors.
  • After you've cut the first section, lift some of the cut hair along with the next section you want to cut to act as your guide. Don't cut any of the hairs from your previous cut - they are just there to guide you.
  • You must keep your comb at a consistent distance and angle from the scalp to get a smooth cut. This is especially difficult in curved or rounded areas such as the nape of the neck.
  • Work your way around the bottom ½ of the haircut, lifting either vertical or diagonal sections. Avoid horizontal.
  • Open and close the blades all the way so that most of the cutting is done with the center part of the blades rather than the tips. Cutting with the tips can result in choppy, uneven cuts.
  • It helps to have long scissor blades for this technique. Shorter scissors can result in more unevenness as well as horizontal "steps" because your hand will be in the way.
  • Stand to one side as you do this technique, not directly in front of what you are cutting. This allows you to more easily see the angle of the comb and the amount of hair you are cutting.
  • Try to do all the cutting work with your thumb(upper) blade rather than your lower (finger) blade. Your lower blade should stay as still as possible - that's why it's called the stationary blade.
This technique takes a lot of practice, but once you get it right, you'll be able to blend and cut very short hairstyles with a clean, even look.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

About Ayurveda

Ayurveda is believed like the oldest method of treatment in the world (more than 3500 years old). It is the art of the healthy life that had helped the human beings to create the harmony in the everyday life by employing the techniques of art of the car-portrait-knowledge and care of art of the self-portrait. To be ancient the word Ayurveda is derived from the Indian language ancient Sanskrit where ‘the ayus’ means the life and ‘ved’ means knowledge or science. Thus, the literal significance of the word Ayurveda is the life science. In short we let us can also say that to know more about the life is “Ayurveda”. Nowadays Ayurveda became very popular among the Foreigners of tourist particularly. Patients are everywhere in the world next India for the treatment.

The literal significance of Ayurveda is 'Life science'. The system passed through traditionally from the Master to the disciples orally. the 'thaliyola ', sheet of palm tree, was employed for the medical details of writing. the 'Narayam ', a pin of iron, was employed like pen. The disciples were accustomed to remaining in the house of the master , which is known a 'Gurukula '.

According to Ayurveda, the life is a combination of four essential parts are mind, body, senses and the soul. It not limits just knowledge to the body or the physical symptoms but also provides a knowledge supplements concerning spiritual, mental and emotive aspects. This traditional system of curative is based on the theory to balance the body, the heart and the spirit. This which balance includes to eat the good thing at the good time, adapting to the daily practices of life style, with the daily purity of mediation and maintenance of the spirit and the heart. There is a strong connection between the spirit and the body.

It orders not only the process of the thoughts but assistance also the body in activities of day in day such as breathing, the circulation of blood, digestion and elimination. Our physiology is regulated by the combined work of the spirit and the body. The directions are employed as pick-ups of information so that the spirit can act as consequence with the body. The clearity of the directions helps the spirit and the body to integrate their functions so that the human beings can live a healthy and happier life. Before existing in the physical body we exist in a finer and more significant form known under the name of heart. We can take the form and to form of many physical bodies in all the cycle life and dead but our heart remains without change.

Ayurveda is the perfect solution for all the human needs, wants and wishes.

There are two principal goals of Ayurveda:
  • To maintain the health of the healthy one
  • To cure the patient
These goals can be achieved by adopting the good mode, the daily mode, the life style, the actions and the activities. Various problems like the depression, concern, irritation, and insomnia are due to the spirit and the body in difficulty. Consequently, a balance is necessary in operation of the spirit and the body for good health.

The origin of Ayurveda turn over almost during more than 5000 years. It is thought that that would be the result of a long period of test and error. Before one recorded it towards bottom in the texts, it was communicated orally of the professor to students above the thousands of centuries. The traditional text of Ayurveda is supposed being written between 4000 and 6000
B.C. The roots of Ayurveda developed in India but it always does not belong to any country, religion or specific civilization.

The principal handbooks of Ayurveda, Charaka Samhita, described how during ancient Vedic Rishis or wise time became interested that humanity suffered from many diseases. The Rishis technique employed to discover Ayurveda does not have any bond with the modern scientific age.

The whole science of Ayurveda is based on the five large elements that ayurveda named like theory of panchmahabhuta. These five elements are the ground, water, fire, air and space. These elements constitute our universe. These elements constantly change and act one on the other with one the other and create a situation of the dynamic flow which keeps outward journey of
the world.

Ayurveda identifies three principal energies which combine to form all the five elements in the universe. These basic energies are vitta, pitta and kapha. These energies are seen in the processes of the growth, maintenance and weakening. Their actions are called anabolism, metabolism and catabolism.

Pitta is composed of fire and water. Kapha comprises water and the earth. Vatta is composed of air and space.

There are four other elements that ayurveda considers
  • Agni – responsible for various metabolic activities
  • Mala – waste products due to the metabolic process of the body
  • Srota – transports the food
  • Dhatus - maintains and nourishes the body
Ayurveda also has a certain belief about the constitution of the body. The constitution is referred to a health’of the person's, its capacity to fight against the diseases and also to re-establishment of various problems of health. The constitution is known like prakriti. The prakriti is a combination of the physical and psychological characteristics and the manner in which the body functions. It it is believed that the remainders’of constitution or prakriti of the unchanged bodies in all the life but obtain to him influenced by the process of digestion and elimination. One should know his constitution of body before employing the curative techniques of Ayurveda.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Day Care Health Risks


Children in day care centers are often around other children who may be sick and are more likely to catch an infection that kids who do not attend day care. Respiratory infections, ear infections, and diarrhea are common at day care centers. Some research has linked asthma to day care.

However, keep in mind that being around the large number of germs in day care may actually IMPROVE your child's immune system in the long run.

Teach your child to wash his or her hands before eating and after using the toilet. Infection is spread most often by children putting dirty toys in their mouths, so check your day care's cleaning practices. Keep your own children home if they are sick.

The risk of infection in a day care center may also be reduced by:

  • Breastfeeding infants
  • Policies and training programs that help reduce the spread of bacteria and viruses at the day care center
  • Preparing food and changing diapers in different areas
  • Making sure day care staff and children have up-to-date immunizations