Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Importance of Regular Eye Tests

Eye tests aswell serve as a way for optometrists to adviser any aboriginal signs of eye disease. As with abounding health problems, the eventually a problem is identified, the eventually it can be advised - with a college likelihood for success than if the problem is accustomed to persist. Problems like glaucoma and amaurosis can be identified far beforehand than they ability be if larboard alone, and dealt with in a analogously painfree fashion.

At an eye test, your optometrist will undertake several measures to actuate the health of your eyes and the superior of your vision. These cover a altercation of your health and affairs background, followed by tests such as the altitude of your comedy power, the altitude of your eye pressure - key to advertent glaucoma – auto refraction to advice with your abject decree and a analysis of your beheld acuity. This analysis determines how able-bodied your eyes works based on abreast and far distances, usually involving the account of belletrist on an eye chart.

There are added tests your optometrist in adjustment to actuate any added problems you may have, which analysis the accepted bloom of your eyes, including the backbone and adaptability of the anatomy in the area.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Understanding the Causes of Cystic Acne

Cystic acne is considered the most severe of all the types of 'common acne'. The skin lesions in cystic acne are deep, inflamed and painful. It is almost similar to acne characterized by nodules but the bumps in the skin are filled with pus and are larger that it can even stretch to a few centimeters. Sometimes the bumps on the skin appear in large groups and widespread.

The primary causes of cystic acne has not yet been determined, but it but they are identified to develop from clogged pores blocked by excess oil in the skin as well as dead skin cells. When bacteria found on the skin live and grow on clogged pores, it can cause infection and inflammation. The infection can lead to deeper nodules and may develop pus. The skin lesions may grow larger as well.

Cystic acne is considered severe and affects not only the surface but also deep into the skin, thus it also develops small to large scars as well as deep ones that are often permanent and are hard to treat.