Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Skin Care Tips

From teenagers to adults, we all get to deal with zits and pimples at some time in our lives - but we can do something about it even before the acne starts to develop. The first defense that you can have is to take care of your skin to avoid problems like acne.

A beautiful skin is a clean skin. One of the acne skin care tips that you can put in mind is to regularly clean your skin with mild cleansers. Remember not to overdo the cleaning too. Twice a day would be enough, but if you perspire heavily, you may have to wash it after. Keep in mind that perspiration can aggravate existing acne, so cleansing is always recommended.

If you have acne, your skin may become irritated and one important tip to remember is to be gentle with your skin. Gentle cleansing is always recommended. Avoid harsh cleansers, astringents, toners, and other harsh chemicals that may cause the acne to worsen. Use your hands in cleaning your face. This will be gentler than using abrasive cleansers, and remember not to scrub your skin.

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