Friday, October 9, 2009

Women Health Care Tips

Some acne skin care tips may also involve cleaning your hair. Excess oil from the hair can also worsen acne especially on the forehead or on the face. If you put gels or oily hair products, you may want to minimize them to prevent worsening of your skin problem. If you have oily hair, you may also want to shampoo your hair frequently or avoid them in contact with your face.

Your choice of makeup is also important if you have acne-prone skin. Makeup and cosmetics can clog up your pores that can lead to acne. Rest your skin from cosmetics. If you cannot do away with them, carefully choose cosmetics that do not clog the pores. Avoid oil-based cosmetics too.

One of the most practical acne skin care tips that you can also keep in mind is to keep your hands off your face. This includes pricking or squeezing blackheads, bumps and zits. Especially if the skin lesions already have pus, pricking them may spread the infection. Aside from worsening the skin problem, it may also worsen the scars left by acne.

Learn to manage stress in your life too. One major factor that contributes to beautiful skin is having enough sleep and lesser stress. Exercise can play a big role too in caring for your skin. Although you have to remember always to clean your skin especially after you perspire from the physical activities. Always keep yourself hydrated too as this can cleanse your skin from inside and out.
Following these simple acne skin care tips would surely go a long way in maintaining a healthier and acne-free skin.

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